I am passionate about coaching and how it enables my clients to create positive changes in their lives.
Here are some testimonials from clients I've coached to give you an idea of their coaching experience with me.

"My sessions with Jacqui where very open and relaxed. Jacqui made me feel very at ease and comfortable to talk about my goals and challenges. Her guidance and professional approach were gentle, kind and extremely motivating. I highly recommend Jacqui and her coaching support, as it was a huge help to me at a difficult turn in the road and I will no doubt work with her again in the future. 5 Stars !!" - Andrea O'Grady
"Hello to whoever is reading this, Meeting this woman for the first time of whom I had no physical ties too or even knew, I have to say it was very nerve-wracking for me. But with a lot of patience and perseverance and by listening to this woman who I now know as Jacqui. She helped me to look at life in a different way and not by dangling a carrot or painting it all Rosie because life is not like that. But through helping me to see life clearly and becoming aware, I started to see an approach to life from a different angle. If its money issues relationships family or any other normal related life stuff my inner strengths, confidence and believing in me has grown. My eyes have been opened to the world or should I say my world “mmm” it took a long time for me to say that “MYWORLD” because for me regarding jobs and my personal life, it was all about trying to please other people. Since meeting Jacqui and talking with her, I slowly opened up (not moaned) about how I should slow my life down to a pace I could handle and through Jacqui's help and coaching. I learned and started to understand what was needed for me to go forward in my life, see my life now and see what has to change. So by understanding where I was with my life with the help support of Jacqui, it opened my eyes to an approach which I would have never taken or even looked at. Sometimes we can’t change the life, it’s ourself we must change “if you are fighting with yourself for too long and are not happy with whatever is going on just be yourself, stand out and always be true to who you really are” Thanks Jacqui" - B
"Jacqui has a calm and warm coaching style, which immediately put me at ease. Her structured approach and insightful questioning allowed me to consider options and decisions I had not previously thought of. She was not afraid to challenge, but always in a supportive way, which I believe increased the impact of our coaching sessions. The sessions with Jacqui provided me with much-needed space to process and articulate my thoughts, which, with her support, became a set of meaningful and purposeful actions. I would highly recommend Jacqui as a coach." - Edel