My Story

I am an executive life coach, mentor, facilitator and speaker with 25 year's managerial experience in the development and progression of people.
I am the coach for you if you want to boost your confidence and self-belief, create a plan for a better work-life balance or a business idea. Discover what's holding you back, get unstuck and develop a can-do mindset, to overcome your fears and create the life you want.
I believe that every one of us has great abilities and skills within us to become what we set our minds to be. But sometimes we need someone to give us insights and strategies to enable us to take action on those ideas. I am that someone, please do get in touch!
Ready to find out more?
A little bit about Me
I am a very proud mum. I have great friends, one of which is my husband. I am an animal lover, I love music, dancing and gardening.
Some of my friends might even tell you, that I'm a good cook too. I love a good bargain, that's why I think the second-hand shops are little-hidden treasures. Finally, I am passionate about helping, enabling and empowering people to become the best that they can be.
Remember to "NEVER" allow someone else's opinion of you to become your story

Inspire Heal Empower Conversations
Read my book
This is my story - in 1984 at the age of 15 years old, I was admitted for an eye operation into a hospital. Whilst in hospital I was made undergo, without my consent, what I would for many years call an inappropriate medical examination. It has taken many years for me to break the silence that surrounds that day and give what happened to me its correct title and name - sexual assault.
Inspiration with your coffee
Have you arrived at a Life Crossroads?
Feeling stuck? Have you found yourself at a life crossroads in your business career or personal life? Do you want to get clarity on what direction to take next? Let me help you, even the strongest among us can feel lost, overwhelmed, unsure or experience unhappiness at times. As your coach, I'll provide you with a set of coping skills to overcome and manage whatever life throws at you.
You will get clarity on what you really want and gain the focus and determination to achieve your goals to truly thrive whilst building your self-belief, confidence and resilience along the way.
"To Be Your Best Self"


A Clarity Consultation gives you confidence, clarity and a set of practical skills to overcome and manage a specific barrier, blind spot or difficulty in your life, career or business.
Are you struggling in a specific area of your life, career or business? Do you feel you're holding yourself back from taking action on something you really want to do? A Clarity Consultation enables you to identify what it is that has you feeling stuck. Gives you a boost of confidence, a set of practical skills to get unstuck and to find the success you want in that area of your life.
Consultation €95
Get clarity, new insights, motivation, a can-do mindset and a set of practical skills. Which enable you to take action to make positive changes in the areas of your life you want.
In a world that is getting increasingly busier, it's important and essential that you take time out and give yourself the space to think about what's important and best for you.
When you work with me, you'll walk away more confident with a deeper understanding of oneself, skills, abilities and purpose.

You'll get strategies which you can use in any area of your life that will enable you to manage those times when you might feel overwhelmed or doubt yourself and to take action creating the positive changes you want.
Sessions start from €80 & for prices of packages available contact me now.
As Oscar Wilde said, “Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live".
Mind Me - You Matter Project!

Is it time for YOU to mind and believe in yourself, to stand up to yourself. Are you tired of thinking that you're not good enough? Come and join me at one of my workshops to boost your self-confidence, understand your limiting beliefs and transform your thinking. To be a happier, more confident and decisive you.
What beliefs do you hold about yourself? Are they helpful or unhelpful? Do you tell yourself your not good enough to do the things you want to do?
When you come to my workshop you will understand what your limiting beliefs are and what's keeping you stuck. You will get skills to create empowering beliefs that will boost your confidence so that you can take action to create the changes you want in your life.
RISE - Stand up to YOU

My RISE - stand up to you talk discusses how each of us has great skills and abilities within us. I encourage you to dig deep to unleash yours.
Introducing my new talk RISE - Stand up to YOU!
Do you know, do you believe, that you have great skills and abilities within you to create the lifestyle, career or the business YOU want.
RISE - Stand up to YOU talks about and explores what's stopping you from stepping outside your comfort zone to do the things you want. I encourage you to take action on your idea's and dreams to create the life you want. You will walk away with tips and skills to get you moving forward.